The First Baby Boy In My Life

This handsome guy is my nephew. And I’m so grateful we’re related because if we weren’t, I would most certainly not be cool enough to be in his orbit. He possesses the most warm and welcoming smile, an understated brilliance, the tenderest of hearts mixed with a wit that’s quicker than - well, everyone - and a slightly mischievous sense of humor ;) He is nothing short of a beautiful blessing and I was given the honor of photographing him for his senior portraits which led me down this memory lane…

Reid was born on November 9, 2005 and I firmly believe the sun started shining a little brighter that day because God knew we were all in for a treat. This child has opened our eyes and our hearts beyond what we thought we were capable of from the earliest of days. His easy going nature has carried him well because most of the time he really is happy to be with you doing what you enjoy doing. But make no mistake, when he’s ready to take the wheel, it’s always entertaining to see what adventure he embarks on. Whether it’s learning the Rubik’s algorithm to solve that little cube in record time, riding bikes all over Raleigh and beyond, setting up roadside stands to sell some of the most confounding items or, in recent years, making subtle but stylish improvements to his wheels, he’s charting his own course.

And there could never, ever be a better role model to my boys than this guy. Nothing this cousin does is loud or boastful. And from a very early age you could tell he was fully present when he was spending time with you. He is a thoughtful and engaged listener, the absolute best gift recipient because he makes you feel your token is the greatest gift he’s ever received, and he literally seems delighted and slightly amused with life in general. I find myself now just observing him when we’re together, trying to remember when he developed this old soul because he seems to have figured out a lot that many grownups are still searching for. He has a peacefulness that is contagious. It’s contentment I think. What a beautiful attribute.

It’s hard to believe this guy is embarking on the next phase and heading to college in the fall. My eyes well up with crocodile tears when I think about it. I know he’ll be back and I hope he won’t be far away but it changes things, this semi-adulting. What gives me peace though is knowing deep in my bones that this child will remain forevermore exactly who he was when he entered this world 18.5 years ago and who he is right this minute - kind, curious, loyal, focused, tender and just a tad irreverent when the situation deserves it.

Reid, wherever you go in life, remember how deeply loved you are. I could not be more proud of who you have always been.

With love from one of your biggest fans,

Your Aunt TyTy


Belize Itinerary: One Fun-Filled Week in Belize


Thoughtfully Threaded together